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Remove completed tasks from calendar Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is it possible to get completed tasks removed from my iPhone calendar via sync? It is quite confusing when completed tasks still show up as due in the calendar. Only when I delete the task in OF it seems to be synced.

I use webDAV to sync with my calendar.

It should get updated in the calendar when OF syncs the change where you've marked the action complete. However, sometimes it takes the calendar app a while to become aware of the change. For this reason, it isn't a great plan to rely on a newly added due reminder (putting a due date on a task you need to get done in the next 15 minutes may not get you a notification, for example).
I've had problems with that, but related to whether the calendar was created on the phone or on the Mac. I'd recommend, if you can, to download iOS4 and use the OF application's alerts. Each app being able to create notifications is in my opinion one of the top features in OS4.



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