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Apple Mail to Omnifocus, with attachment Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I set up an appended email address so I can forward emails to it, and Mail pushes it to Omnifocus's in-box. That's cool. However, it strips attachments.

Is there a way to keep the attachment from the email?

Not that I've seen. There's a complicating issue, too — one message potentially makes multiple new actions. Every line that starts with "--" will carve off a new action. Which action(s) would get the attachments(s)?

I agree that often you just want to get the whole email, attachments and all, into OmniFocus, but you're using the avenue intended for creating new actions via email, and there isn't any way to tell OmniFocus that messages to a given address should only get some of the usual processing. Most unfortunate when the "usual processing" does the wrong thing with your messages, and you can't change the sender's behavior!

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