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Hi, I've a little problem...

when I mark an item in the inbox on my mac, the item disapear from the list, but on the iPhone and on the iPad doesn't do the same...

how can I do dissapear complete task on the inbox without delete like on the desktop version

Thanks in advance

What happens after you mark an item complete? Is the checkbox filled? Are the items you completed possibly repeating actions?
when I mark an item, the checkbox is filled and is overlabeled with a line.
no repeating actions is marked in the items on the inbox

I send and image to illustrate the problem
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_2398.PNG
Views:	1158
Size:	120.1 KB
ID:	1915  
Ah, on the Mac, in the preferences for OmniFocus, do you have "Clean Up completed Inbox actions" checked? If not, they'll stick around like you described on the iPhone and iPad. On the Mac, they'll stick around until you go to another view or do a clean-up (cmd-K).
On the Mac I've checked the option "Clean Up completed Inbox actions" but on the iPhone and on the iPad the items continue there... I do a clean-up and nothing happens...


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