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get rid of extra tab when launching bookmark Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
If I've got this correct, here's what's happening:

If I launch a bookmark via LaunchBar while I have a new window open in OmniWeb, it will open it as the second tab, while the first tab will be blank. To make it worse, it just says "Loading" as the title on that tab so if I don't delete it I might forget what it is and think I'm waiting for something to load. If I have OmniWeb open but don't have a window open, it will open as expected in a new window (as the first tab if you open the tab drawer)

This doesn't occur in other browsers as far as I can tell -- it will just open the link in the current window regardless of whether a new window is open or not, it seems to me this is the preferred behavior. So I'm assuming OmniWeb might be able to do it the same way, and it's not necessarily a LaunchBar thing.
Originally Posted by FredH
This doesn't occur in other browsers as far as I can tell -- it will just open the link in the current window regardless of whether a new window is open or not, it seems to me this is the preferred behavior. So I'm assuming OmniWeb might be able to do it the same way, and it's not necessarily a LaunchBar thing.
Have you set the Tabs & Windows Preferences to "Open links from other applications in: The current window" ?
Thanks, that would seem to solve the problem, although in Camino I was also using the option of opening links from other apps in a new tab, and apparently it would still have the above behavior when using LaunchBar.

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