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Setting AppleScript variable to text of a cell Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Using the instructions here to access text of a cell: Well, I'm using the instructions, but that's resulting in an error, not access: "OmniOutliner Professional got an error: Can’t get cell "BlinkySaysHi" of selected row of document 1."

How do you get the text of cells?
One possible point of confusion here is that the "Spanish" in the "cell named Spanish" section of the example you're pulling from is presumably a column.

If the document you're running the script in doesn't have a column named "BlinkySaysHi" in other words, that would explain the error message you're getting.

If that's not it, some more information about what you're trying to do, the document you're trying to do it in, and a snippet of the script may help folks help you...

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