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Can't search attachment titles: bug or missing feature? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
My documents contain lots of attachments: PDFs, links to websites, etc. When I need to find those attachments, I try to search for them, but OmniOutliner just shows me an empty list. For some reason it excludes attachment titles when doing a search. It's very frustrating because I can't find anything.

I asked OmniGroup to fix this bug, but they said it's not a bug; it's a missing feature. They said "it's not something broken; code isn't there to do this that needs fixing."

Huh? Can someone please explain this to me? I don't understand why ignoring attachment titles when doing a search isn't a bug.

(What if OmniWeb skipped all hyperlinks when searching through a web page? Would that be a bug or a missing feature?)

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