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Is it possible to change bullet color from black?

Version 3.5
No sorry, there's no interface to change the color of the bullets or other handles. This is something we may allow in the future.
The phrase "may allow" really intrigues me. Why would Omni not want to allow such a seemingly simple typographic feature? Or is "may allow" simply meant to convey, yeah that's on a "may be" to do list?

Anyways, thanks for the quick answer, however the answer unfortunately means I need to find another outlining product. :(
Sometimes we use phrases like "may allow" when we haven't answered all of the questions that arise from a given feature request. In the case of changing the bullet color one question might be "What do we do if they set their bullets to white on a white background?" or "Do we need to add options on the print panel to ignore bullet color?".

Its not that we don't think the feature isn't a good one, rather, we just haven't worked out the implications of adding it.
Originally Posted by Anothersite
The phrase "may allow" really intrigues me. Why would Omni not want to allow such a seemingly simple typographic feature? Or is "may allow" simply meant to convey, yeah that's on a "may be" to do list?

Anyways, thanks for the quick answer, however the answer unfortunately means I need to find another outlining product. :(
You didn't say why you wanted to change the bullet colour. Depending on what that is, there might be various other ways to achieve the same function using the styles system in OO; or if it is really the bullet whose colour you need to change, you could export the file to RTF, for instance and then change the bullet colours for final output using your word processor of choice.
Thank you both for the responses.

I have a visual problem. When I look at black type on a white background, I see the black type and red after images that create a weird pink/white background that is very tiring on my eyes. Using a blue background in OmniOutliner creates too little contrast with the black bullets. So, I don't need to change the bullets for a cosmetic effect. I need to change the bullets to white for productivity.

BTW, I use the old fashioned white type on blue background in Word. That works great for my problem, except now I have to figure how to change the color on the green squiggles that are hard to see against the blue background. If it's not one thing, it's another.
Hi, not an ideal option by any means as it inverts everything on the screen, but have you tried the White on Black universal access option (press command-control-option-8 to toggle it on and off - see System Preferences>Universal Access>Seeing for the settings)?

You could use it while you are in OmniOutliner and turn it off again when you are in other programmes.
Originally Posted by Anothersite
Thank you both for the responses.

I have a visual problem. When I look at black type on a white background, I see the black type and red after images that create a weird pink/white background that is very tiring on my eyes. Using a blue background in OmniOutliner creates too little contrast with the black bullets. So, I don't need to change the bullets for a cosmetic effect. I need to change the bullets to white for productivity.

BTW, I use the old fashioned white type on blue background in Word. That works great for my problem, except now I have to figure how to change the color on the green squiggles that are hard to see against the blue background. If it's not one thing, it's another.
Hi again,
I'm sorry to hear that. I had a postgraduate student some years ago who asked me if I could possibly have exam papers for her printed on pink paper as she had a somewhat similar problem with black type on white background and found pink to be the best colour for her. As the exam papers were printed centrally that was not possible so I suggested she get herself a sheet of pink transparent film, like OHP film, to lay over the exam papers to provide the tint. That worked for her.
I just wonder if a similar trick of having an appropriate coloured film that you could use over your monitor would be something worth trying.
Originally Posted by xiamenese
Hi again,
I'm sorry to hear that. I had a postgraduate student some years ago who asked me if I could possibly have exam papers for her printed on pink paper as she had a somewhat similar problem with black type on white background and found pink to be the best colour for her. As the exam papers were printed centrally that was not possible so I suggested she get herself a sheet of pink transparent film, like OHP film, to lay over the exam papers to provide the tint. That worked for her.
I just wonder if a similar trick of having an appropriate coloured film that you could use over your monitor would be something worth trying.
I appreciate the suggestion. BTW, the generic "old folk" can read letter text better on a slightly colored background than the standard white background.

Thankfully my vision is not a problem for printed material. That situtation would be truly brutal. It used to only bother me with projected white background and black text (imagine airport projection TVs as the worst case scenario), but not it bothers me on computers. Sigh.

Anyways, thanks again.
Originally Posted by JKT
Hi, not an ideal option by any means as it inverts everything on the screen, but have you tried the White on Black universal access option (press command-control-option-8 to toggle it on and off - see System Preferences>Universal Access>Seeing for the settings)?

You could use it while you are in OmniOutliner and turn it off again when you are in other programmes.
Terrific suggestion. I wish I had thought of it. It could help everywhere, such as Safari, etc..

Unfortunately, it works as I dreaded that it would. In the white on black mode, all the white letters now have that weird pink white look that is actually even worse on my eyese than black on white. Sigh.

But seriously, your idea was terrific. Thanks for taking the time to post the response.

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