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Devastating Data Loss Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Recently I had relied way too much on Omni-Outliner's auto-backup feature.

My Macbook Pro (10.4.10) crashed. After the reboot, Omni told me that a document's backup was newer than the saved file, and which one did I want to use? I thought I selected the backup, but when it opened, a lot of data was lost, 2 days worth of writing, 2 weeks maybe? I immediately closed this document in case I might still be able to retrieve that lost data. Can that backup be opened somewhere? Or might this lost data still be retrievable somehow?

Other OmniOutlner files were successfully rescued, but for some reason my most treasured document lost the most recent additions to it. Please help.

Please note I emailed support but as bad luck would have it, my email server seems to be down.
I answered Dominus through email. But just thought I'd share here that we will likely be changing how backups are done in OmniOutliner 4 to make them more useful.
Originally Posted by DerekM View Post
I answered Dominus through email. But just thought I'd share here that we will likely be changing how backups are done in OmniOutliner 4 to make them more useful.
I'm guessing that the answer was not a very hopeful one, but I actually have the same question.

I lost an outline of 20 pages of material (part of a much longer master document), and I'm not sure how it happened. I just opened up the document (which was last updated Tuesday) and now all the notes are gone.

Any way to unlock past revisions?

Or are they down the memory hole forever?

Last edited by robotjustin; 2007-08-23 at 07:01 PM.. Reason: clarification
Originally Posted by robotjustin View Post
I'm guessing that the answer was not a very hopeful one, but I actually have the same question.

I lost an outline of 20 pages of material (part of a much longer master document), and I'm not sure how it happened. I just opened up the document (which was last updated Tuesday) and now all the notes are gone.

Any way to unlock past revisions?

Or are they down the memory hole forever?
Sorry, no, past revisions are not saved. The backups are done solely for crash recovery. I apologize you lost some of your work. If you have any idea what might have caused it, please us know so we can try and reproduce the problem.

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