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Copy as Plain Text? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
In OmniWeb is there a way to copy text selected on a web page as plain text? Thanks.
No, but you shouldn't need to. When you go to paste the text in some other program, you can use its Paste And Match Style command. That should get you the same results as copying in plain text.
Originally Posted by vocaro View Post
No, but you shouldn't need to. When you go to paste the text in some other program, you can use its Paste And Match Style command.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll start doing that more.

I'd still like it if OmniWeb had "Copy as Plain Text". It's one of the things Saft adds to Safari and I'd gotten quite used to it.
of course, the reverse is that I'm happy that OW (and Safari) do support rich text. It's one reason I use it.

I use Bare Bones' Yojimbo, and it's great to copy some info on a web page, hit F8, and get the article completely formatted in Yojimbo.
for the record, this might occasionally be a nice option to have. a few days ago, I was double-clicking and copying a word from OW to Create and was having great trouble with unspecified line wrapping after pasting the text. the selected word included the trailing carriage-return and it turned out that the copied OW string contained formatting gremlins that even Paste & Match Style couldn't cure.
Yes I also agree!

Also, as part of this I think that 'Paste as plain text'/'Paste and match style' is important too! This is a really helpful feature.

Omni guys, if your concerned that this will mean too many options in the Edit menu, I'd be very happy even if you just added this feature so that it only appeared in the Edit menu if you turned it on in Preferences or something so that less experienced users aren't overwhelmed.

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