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95585 (Dec. 4) BUILD DELETES TASKS! Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I figured this was something everyone should know.

The latest build of OmniFocus appears to delete all the tasks from new projects. (Or at least it does so on my Mac)

You may NOT want to upgrade.
This is rather confusing. It seems rather erratic and downgrading isn't helping.
All right, it appears that this update somehow corrupted my preference files. I deleted those files and everything's working fine with the latest build. Weeeeird.

Support Ninjas have been notified.
it's hard to be sure without examining the preferences file, but is there any chance you had something entered in the toolbar search tool?

We've had several cases where someone entered a search term into that field (which filters out all the items that don't match) and then gets tricked into thinking their data has been deleted.

Deleting your preferences would have reset that search tool, so that would explain why your actions all came back when you nuked them...
Nope, nothing in the search bar. I checked that. I did send the prefs file to the feedback email, so y'all have it if you want to debug.

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