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Am I going insane? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I swear some functionality has changed since the last time I used my @waiting context. I have two tasks that have the context of @waiting - one is the 'next' action, and one is an action that needs me to do something before it will be the 'next' action.

In context mode I select my @waiting context (which is On-hold) and the only way I can see the actions if I set the action filter to be remaining. But.. that means that they both show up, and I only want to see the one that I can currently do something about (because the other one is still blocked). I could have sworn that previously selecting the Active actions filter would have shown me the first but not the second (now it shows neither).

Or am I going crazy?
Originally Posted by cyleigh View Post
In context mode I select my @waiting context (which is On-hold) and the only way I can see the actions if I set the action filter to be remaining. But.. that means that they both show up, and I only want to see the one that I can currently do something about (because the other one is still blocked). I could have sworn that previously selecting the Active actions filter would have shown me the first but not the second (now it shows neither).
An action with an "on hold" context is never considered "available". And because it's not "available", it also can't be a "next action", even if it's at the top of the project's action list. It won't turn purple until its context is changed.

Since neither of the actions are "available" or "next", they won't show up under the "available" or "next" filter setting in context mode. However, both actions are still "remaining" in the project.

So I think the behavior you're seeing is correct, and I think it's been that way for a long time, at least since the beta days.

Thanks. I must have been going insane then! All sorted now anyway since both waiting tasks have been completed.

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