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iTunes iPhone backup frequency Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I tend to sync often and notice ever since I upgraded to 2.0 and have apps that are db heavy like OmniFocus - the automated backup of the device that occurs in iTunes takes a loooooong time now.

I only need the device backed up at most once a day.

Does anyone know of a way to tweak this? I notice that even though my device was backed up multiple times the last few days [and multiple times per day] - it only lists 3 backups - 7/14, 7/21, and 7/23!

I want to emphasize I am not talking about backups initiated by OmniFocus.

I assume MobileMe is a solution to "pushing" my calendar items to my device often which is really what drives me to sync frequently so I don't miss events on the go!
Is it backing up, or just syncing so frequently? If you're only plugging in to recharge your phone, I guess you could just plug straight into the wall most of the time...

I don't know of any way to tweak the iTunes backup intervals.

It sounds like you're experiencing what Rob Griffiths at MacWorld referred to as the "iPhone Backup Lottery" in this article:


I myself was experiencing that a lot for a while - every time I would plug in my phone it would do a backup, and take _forever_. More recently it seems to have cleared up, though I don't know if maybe that's just a temporary reprieve.

Unfortunately, I don't know of a workaround.
that was a good read -thanks for that :D

i love the term "IBL" - i am getting used to playing it and glad mine aren't taking 74 minutes or 2 hrs like his colleague! :eek: (knock on wood)

i just look forward to being able to determine backup frequency just like any other backup program on the market - sheesh I mean Time Machine doesn't backup any more frequently than you ask it to unless you say "back up now" right?

I just signed up for MobileMe trial thinking over-the-sync would help ease the situation but not convinced :( i digress...
If backup takes too long and you don't really need to do it right now, you can skip it by pressing the "x" once in the itunes status display. iTunes will skip backup but proceed with other syncing tasks.
Eh, it seems that doing above metioned skipping will leave us with corrupted non-functional backup :((

Fortunately this utility can disable backups and retain functionality of latest backup:
wow - it's amazing how the community is responding. I read the reviews and this comment concerned me:

Every (!) newly started backup (full or cancelled) could destroy your first backup

is this really the case?

I would expect if I were to enable the backup and let it run, without canceling it, it would be a full backup!

Something this utility is munging around with I need to know before I install it?
Originally Posted by chinarut View Post
wow - it's amazing how the community is responding. I read the reviews and this comment concerned me:

Every (!) newly started backup (full or cancelled) could destroy your first backup

is this really the case?
Of course. I is referencing the fact that iTunes allows you to have only one backup instance of the iPhone (the last one), and the problem that last backup is destroyed by just starting the backup (sync) process instead of waiting for backup to finish and just then replace the old backup with new if new was successful.

Backup disablee helps you with just that, it prevents the backup to be started when syncing and thus preserves your old backup.

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