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Legal numbering problem in OO Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Humble humble much respect, life essential tools my OO and OF (and on iphone)! Question if I may; I like legal numbering in OO so I can refer other people to specific points, but it always numbers 1.1 then 1.2 then 1.3. I can't get 1.1 then 2.1 then 3.1 on the top levels.

I am clearly missing something simple, any help greatly appreciated thanks.

1.1, 2.1, 3.1, etc would be the labeling for the first level 2 row under a given level 1 row. So it would look something like this:

Sounds like you're just looking under one parent instead of having multiple parent rows. Does that help clear things up?
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Name:	Picture 5.png
Views:	1012
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ID:	666  
Thanks DerekM

You have the problem well explained, but I still can't fix it. It works when opening the default template, parent rows are 1,2,3 but not the customised one I run; 1.1, 1.2, 1.3. Mystery, I'll stop using my template.
Hmm, maybe you have your template hoisted to the first row. Go to View -> Unhoist All and see if that fixes it. If it doesn't, feel free to send a copy of your template to and we'll see what's going on.
BINGO!!!! Problem solved, I don't care what everyone says.... you ARE the man! Seriously though, thanks, much appreciated!

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