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Location of ofocus file in v1.1 Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Where is the ofocus database file (or whatever it's called now) located in the new version of Omnifocus for iPhone?

I plan to manually copy it over to my Mac via a Cyberduck connection. That is the direction I want to go the first time around: iPhone ----> Mac.

I couldn't get Omnifocus for iPhone to see my Mac in the Settings>Synchronization>Synchronization Method>Bonjour>Server screen.
Howerver, it does see my Mac in the Settings>Synchroniztion>Get Settings from Mac screen. But, I don't want to go that direction (Mac----->iPhone) because I'm afraid it would 'reset' the iPhone database.
Originally Posted by BonafideBM View Post
Where is the ofocus database file (or whatever it's called now) located in the new version of Omnifocus for iPhone?
Each app on the iPhone has its own sandbox; within its sandbox, OmniFocus stores its database in its Documents folder. (Specifically, it puts it inside OmniFocus.ofocus, but you might just want to grab the whole folder in case OmniFocus ever stores anything else in there.)

I couldn't get Omnifocus for iPhone to see my Mac in the Settings>Synchronization>Synchronization Method>Bonjour>Server screen.
You might want to contact our support ninjas at if you haven't already.

Howerver, it does see my Mac in the Settings>Synchroniztion>Get Settings from Mac screen. But, I don't want to go that direction (Mac----->iPhone) because I'm afraid it would 'reset' the iPhone database.
Copying those settings just fills in your synchronization settings, it won't actually copy any data until you first sync. When you do sync, if your databases don't match OmniFocus will ask whether you'd like to keep your local copy of the database or the server copy; local means to keep the copy in whichever OmniFocus you're currently running (e.g. the copy on your phone).

Hope this helps!

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