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Differences with Educational License? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I purchased an educational license, which I have been using on my laptop. In order to test syncing, I downloaded the software again, for my desktop - just the trial version for now.

The two applications look different - the latest download (the trial) has a sync button on the toolbar and additional 'due' and 'flagged' buttons on the left.

On each machine I have done a 'check for updates' and it says both are up to date. I even deleted my original version from applications and tried downloading it again, but I get exactly the same - the two still look different.

Have I missed a trick somewhere, or is there a difference between the standard demo download and the educational license version?

Or maybe I have just lost the plot...

Many thanks :)

The educational license makes no difference in the actual functionality of OmniFocus. There are two possibilities:
1) You have two different versions of OmniFocus on your machines. You can check this easily by choosing "About OmniFocus" from the OmniFocus menu. The two most likely versions are 1.0.3 and 1.5. You'll want to run 1.5 in order to sync between your computers.

2) If the versions are the same, then it sounds like you customized your toolbar. Choose "Customize Toolbar..." from the View menu. Now you can drag whatever buttons you want on or off the toolbar.

Many thanks for your reply Lizard - I hadn't spotted the 'customize' option on the View menu; mystery solved and synch working perfectly :)

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