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Search doesn't search notes field Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I love that Search was added to OF for iPhone version 1.5, however, I stumbled upon a little problem today.

I tried to search for a word that I knew was in the notes field of one of my actions. OF for iPhone couldn't find it. That's when I did a little experimenting. It appears that OF doesn't look in the notes field at all when performing search.

I don't know about anyone else, but this is crucial for me. Sometimes I don't remember what I titled an action, but I do remember some detail that is in the notes field.

Can we expect to see this soon?
Just wanted to give this a bump. It's not crucial to me (as I've started putting all the important info in the title) but it would be nice. Any chance this will be added in a future version?
Originally Posted by reallyseth View Post
Just wanted to give this a bump. It's not crucial to me (as I've started putting all the important info in the title) but it would be nice. Any chance this will be added in a future version?
I would also second that as its very important! Thank you omni!
It looks like there's an item open on this in the development database. If you guys email the support ninjas, they can attach you to the issue, which bumps it up the priority list. Thanks!
I am sure this has been asked before but I could not find it.

Is it possible in the iPhone version to search notes content? I rely on content in my notes for many things. I noticed when performing a global search in the iPhone, the notes are not searched. Is there a way around this? Am I doing something wrong?

Not possible at the moment. Send Feedback to request...

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