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Authentication/Subscription problems setting up Calendar Sync Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
love the new ical feature...thanks guys!

i do need some help setting up though.

i was able to subscribe to the duesoon.ics file on my mac at webcal://

however, i can't seem to subscribe to the calendar on my iPhone. i sent the link to myself via email and when i tap on it, it asks me for my login/password but it doesn't seem to be able to subscribe to it. while not an OF issue, wondering if anyone has been able to subscribe to the DueSoon.ics calendar on their iphone?
Set it up in the preferences of OmniFocus 1.5.2 and you will be subscribed to the calendar on the iPhone.
thanks greg. but i must be missing something as nothing is in my iphone calendar. and now i seem to have problems with the subscribed calendar on my mac side. it seems to be a mobileme problem but maybe you might be able to help?

1. i set up sync on in OF 1.5.2 and synchronized.
2. i subscribed on my desktop to webcal://
3. it synced fine and my DueSoon items from OF showed up.
4. i sent the link to my iphone via email
5. clicked the link and the authentication screen popped up. i entered in my mobileme login/password but it said authentication failed.
6. when i refresh my desktop ical OF calendar, it fails and gives me a "The server "" rejected your login or password.

Any ideas on what's up with the webdav authentication?


Thanks in advance!
It sounds like you might be skipping over the subscribe step on the iPhone. It might be helpful to delete the subscription on the Mac side and go into OF 1.5.2 preferences and turn the Due Soon export slider to Off. Just to be safe, I'd sync, and quit OF 1.5.2.

Then, launch OF 1.5.2 and go back into preferences. Turn the Due Soon export slider back on, and OF will inform you that it needs to sync the calendar. Once sync is complete, the button text will change to 'Subscribe in Calendar'. Click on this and you will be prompted for your username and password. Enter the info and you should be subscribed to the calendar on the iPhone.

Then go to iCal and subscribe there, and you should be all set. Assuming one syncs to MobileMe, the URL for iCal on the Mac side should be exactly what appears in your OF Preferences>Sync>MobileMe>Location field + 'DueSoon.ics' added to the end.


Last edited by Greg Jones; 2009-07-22 at 11:31 AM..
Greg Jones...THANK YOU. You've been amazingly helpful.

I don't know why but the 'Subscribe in Calendar' never showed up in my initial setup on 1.5.2. But, after following your directions, it showed up and now the OF reminders are all in my iphone calendar.

Your instructions for subscribing on the Mac side was also spot-on. After following it, my problems with webdav authentication were solved.

Again, thank you so much for your quick and helpful reply. It saved me from pulling out my hair for the next couple hours.
Glad to help!

I'm really liking the recent changes to OF for the iPhone-very useful. Now to just get Perspectives implemented...
Ok, I've turned on the calendar export, but I'm getting the same issue when I try to subscribe with my iPhone. I put in my MobileMe credentials and it say that I can't subscribe to that calendar.
In addition, if I look on my iDisk, I don't even see the file there. Is there a log before it starts to create that calendar or is it instantaneous?


UPDATE - Ok, I have no idea what happened but I just tried it again and it worked.
I'm having the authentication issues with MobileMe as well. It appears that the calendar is being created successfully, since I can see it on the server in the documents folder. iCal on the Mac has authentication issues as well. I -know- the userid and password are correct.

Some sort of permissions problem on the server file?

[Note: drgardner eventually successfully subscribed in the calendar app on the phone using the manual steps later in the thread. -Brian]

Last edited by Brian; 2009-07-24 at 02:26 AM.. Reason: update status, but leaving post in place
No luck with bingodisk for me unfortunately - but all my calendar and contacts currently come from our Windows 2003 / Exchange server so maybe that's interfering.

Would like to hear if anyone has got it working on bingodisk - I used format for username and the standard disk-mounting password.

Also tried adding it manually in iPhone settings by adding a new email account, and just choosing the "Other" email account, then putting details into "Add Subscribed Calendar" in format
You may also want to check out Greg's list of things to try to troubleshoot getting subscribed on an iPhone, if that's your issue. Start at about post #35, halfway down or a little less, on this page:


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