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Dependent Tasks Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
How do I make the due date for task 2 depending on the completion date for task 1?

For example, say I want OF to prompt me to wash my car 1 week after I checked-off in OF that I have changed its oil?

We have a feature request open for the ability to make one action trigger another, but it's not something the app currently supports. The closest you can come now is something like this:

Change oil - repeats monthly, due on the 1st
Wash car - repeats monthly, due on the 8th

To vote for the action dependency feature, send email to the support ninjas and they can add your email to the database the team uses to plan and prioritize their work. Thanks!
Thanks Brian.

Regrettably, that approach does not work, as it makes Task2 dependent on time alone, rather than on Task1 and time.

I will try to inspire the support ninja's (whatever that means).

Thanks again.
Cumbersome workaround:

Change oil task has a note that reminds you to manually update the due date of the Wash Car task.

Not automatic but gets the desired results.
You could create a task group and make the oil change and car wash tasks sequential tasks within the group.
Originally Posted by Jody Severson View Post
You could create a task group and make the oil change and car wash tasks sequential tasks within the group.
Unfortunately, that doesn't do what the OP wants. We'd like the means to specify a relative start or due date based on when the previous action is completed. The oil change/car wash example is a bit unclear, as they don't appear to be logically connected to me. Consider a project to borrow and read a book from the library. You don't know when it is going to start, because the book just came out and everyone is trying to borrow it. You do know that the library's loan period for new releases is 1 week, so once you check it out, the action to read it has a due date that you couldn't have known in advance. And you don't know when you will be checking it out until you get the email from the library saying your hold has been filled and you've got 2 days to go collect the book before it goes to the next person in line. With our proposed relative dates, OmniFocus could handle all of this for us, without any more action on our part than ticking off actions as we complete them.
I agree that this is a better example for illustrating this common and seemingly simple-to-fulfill need.

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