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Simple Text Copying Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I'm writing a rather long document in OmniOutliner. I would like to be able to copy various passages of it using command-C and paste them into a simple TextEdit document.

When I copy one paragraph/row at a time, the text transfer works exactly as I'd like it to -- I get just the text, no formatting, no indents, no bullets, etc.

But when I select multiple paragraphs/rows in OmniOutliner, hit command-C and then paste into Text edit, I get semi-formatted text. The lines of text are broken, there's a dash ("-") for a bullet, and the paragraph is indented, all to preserve the outline look.

Is there a way to copy multiple paragraphs/rows without also copying this formatting? Or perhaps there's a way to export just certain levels of the outline as plain text?

The formatting that gets applied to the plain text information we put on the clipboard can be controlled from the "Text" pane of preferences. Does that help?
Not really. It looks like OO doesn't do exactly what I want it to do. I actually got these tips via email from an Omni support ninja:

1) You can turn off row handles, etc in the Inspector before you copy and paste into Text Edit.
2) You can use Text Edit's Paste and Match Style command to strip out any style formatting.
3) And of course you can copy just blocks of text from the various sections of your outline one at a time.
So it seems like I can remove the handles/bullets but there will always be some forced line breaks. I can probably make do somehow.

I have a hard time getting text out of outliner without any formatting. I've disabled all the options in the preferences, but it still word-wraps lines.

It is a little thing, but it would make big difference for me to have the option in preferences to not word-wrap on copy for plain-text.

The other option I would like is to always expand everything on copy. I, personally, always want everything form the given branch I've selected.
There's a service called WordService available for free from Devon Technologies.

If you download and install it, you'll get a Reformat option in the Text portion of your Services menu, and all you have to do is select the wrapped text and invoke that service.

Another way to go about it is to paste it as RTF, then convert to plain text via Format->Make Plain Text in TextEdit. The former might be a little easier if you are pasting a number of chunks into an existing document, and the latter is probably easier if it is a one-shot deal.
Hear hear, I too scratch my head at the wrapping and formatting issues in OmniOutliner when you export or cut and paste into some other application. Let's hope OO 4 solves this annoyance.
Assigning a script to a keystroke can give you a copy with a custom format, if plain text is all you need.

The simplest kernel might look something like this:

tell application id "OOut"
	set lstDocs to documents
	if lstDocs ≠ {} then
		set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, linefeed}
		tell item 1 of lstDocs to set the clipboard to (topic of selected rows) as text
		set my text item delimiters to dlm
	end if
end tell

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