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Newbie / 4 Shorts questions Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi guys,

Just 4 short question.

1 - Is there anyway to fast scale text, like in Illustrator, Photoshop or Indesign by pulling the text box handles out? I find it too much time consuming to go to the Text Box and change it size.

2 - Is there anyway i can change the standard keyboard shortcuts? I am an Illustrator user and i am very used to my usual shortcuts.

3 - My current website wireframe work is for a PDF email presentation. Is there anything i should keep in mind while saving as PDF an Omnigraffle Document?

4 - and last...I find that even if i change units to centimeters or pixels but Arrangements Separation Palette is still in Inches. Is there anyway to select the whole Units of a document (like in Indesign) at the beginning of the work?

Sorry for so many question, i started to look in google but i haven't found the right answer.


Last edited by lang; 2010-05-14 at 07:59 AM..
1 Yes. But not like Illustrator, etc, which are text-handling tools, which are not drawing tools. You need to learn the shortcuts in the drawing tool.
1.a In any standard program on an Apple, Command-t will open the standard Apple Text palette (Command-Shift-c will get the colour palette, etc). As long as the text (entire ribbon or partial) you want is selected, whatever you do in the palette will affect the chosen text.
1.b Command-Shift-= (Command-+) and Command-.

2.a Yes but don't. Illustrator is very non-standard, so you are (perfect example here) locked into the non-standard shortcuts. Learn the Apple shortcuts, they work on all standard programs (but not on non-standard programs).

2.b To change the keyboard shortcuts (if you must), go to the Apple menu/System Prefs/Keyboard/Keyboard Shortcuts. It is a different world over here. Read the help (the question mark). Do NOT change the Global or common shortcuts, go to the bottom of the window and choose either ApplicationKeyboardShortcuts or AllApplications. Add a shortcut (the plus sign). Choose the app you want; the Menu/<action>; and the shortcut.

3 Yes.
3.a Play around with the margins (figuring it out for yourself is easy enough), so that your PDF will be rendered the way you want on the target machine. Eg. Adobe Acrobat has weird margins, and renders a doc with difference margins by automatically scaling it down: If I set up a doc that renders perfectly in Preview, on a Piece of Crap using Acrobat, it will show up as 97% size.
3.b Not only that but (along the same lines) how the page will be rendered on the [unknown] target computer. Get the Text palette up, and choose the PDF Collection. Those fonts are safe.
3.c OG will let you create quite complex diagrams (layers, etc) which Preview can handle, but Acrobat can't.

4 I certainly do not have that problem on 4.x. Are you sure you set the UnitOfMeasure at the top of the window, just under the Toolbar, above the ruler ?

What exactly is "Arrangements Separation Palette" ? I have limited access to 5.x, I do not have it at hand, but I do not recall it there either. Can't find it in the manual. Do you mean Diagram Layout Inspector ? Anyway, if it has that inconsistency, it is a bug, mail to <>.

Google is for fourth graders who need help with their homework. Wiki is for stupid fourth graders. You need to go to the source if you want relevant info on anything.

Originally Posted by IncisiveOne View Post
1 Yes. But not like Illustrator, etc, which are text-handling tools, which are not drawing tools. You need to learn the shortcuts in the drawing tool.
1.a In any standard program on an Apple, Command-t will open the standard Apple Text palette (Command-Shift-c will get the colour palette, etc). As long as the text (entire ribbon or partial) you want is selected, whatever you do in the palette will affect the chosen text.
1.b Command-Shift-= (Command-+) and Command-.

2.a Yes but don't. Illustrator is very non-standard, so you are (perfect example here) locked into the non-standard shortcuts. Learn the Apple shortcuts, they work on all standard programs (but not on non-standard programs).

2.b To change the keyboard shortcuts (if you must), go to the Apple menu/System Prefs/Keyboard/Keyboard Shortcuts. It is a different world over here. Read the help (the question mark). Do NOT change the Global or common shortcuts, go to the bottom of the window and choose either ApplicationKeyboardShortcuts or AllApplications. Add a shortcut (the plus sign). Choose the app you want; the Menu/<action>; and the shortcut.

3 Yes.
3.a Play around with the margins (figuring it out for yourself is easy enough), so that your PDF will be rendered the way you want on the target machine. Eg. Adobe Acrobat has weird margins, and renders a doc with difference margins by automatically scaling it down: If I set up a doc that renders perfectly in Preview, on a Piece of Crap using Acrobat, it will show up as 97% size.
3.b Not only that but (along the same lines) how the page will be rendered on the [unknown] target computer. Get the Text palette up, and choose the PDF Collection. Those fonts are safe.
3.c OG will let you create quite complex diagrams (layers, etc) which Preview can handle, but Acrobat can't.

4 I certainly do not have that problem on 4.x. Are you sure you set the UnitOfMeasure at the top of the window, just under the Toolbar, above the ruler ?

What exactly is "Arrangements Separation Palette" ? I have limited access to 5.x, I do not have it at hand, but I do not recall it there either. Can't find it in the manual. Do you mean Diagram Layout Inspector ? Anyway, if it has that inconsistency, it is a bug, mail to <>.

Google is for fourth graders who need help with their homework. Wiki is for stupid fourth graders. You need to go to the source if you want relevant info on anything.

Hi IncisiveOne,

Thanks 1000! for all your answers and the very fast reply. I will apply all the answers you sent me and check what happens.

I see what you mean. I am sorry but i did found Adobe Illustrator which standard while working with Mac, i didn't have to think too much about shortcuts like Cmd- or Cmd+, to zoom in or zoom out, as very natural and well spread all over but in Omnigraffle they are for enlarging or reducing text size.

By the way, i would love to have a Shortcut to while dragging and pressing the (Option key) making a copy of the object. Something like Rubber Stamp but faster and easier.

By "What exactly is "Arrangements Separation Palette" ?" I don't know the exact word in English but is this picture.

as you can see the numbers are in inches after i did change many others boxes to centimeters or pixels (not disrespect to US users, but only 3 countries do use non metric systems) haha...

Last edited by lang; 2010-05-14 at 08:17 AM..
No worries.

Originally Posted by lang View Post
I see what you mean. As an Adobe User i would generally use Cmd- or Cmd+, to zoom in or zoom out,
Not quite. You are used to the PC products, lying to you as usual. Eg. there is no such sequence as Command+; it is CommandShift= (and we all realise the + is Shift=).

but in Omnigraffle is for enlarging or reducing text size.

You can lodge a Feature Request to "Scale Text to RibbonSize", but it will be a significant change to the Text object definition.

I would love to have a Shortcut to while dragging and pressing the (Option key) making a copy of the object. Something like Rubber Stamp but faster and easier.
Option-Click on any object, then move the cursor, click where you want the copied object, does exactly that. That's using an Apple standard, so OmniGraffle works intuitively; it does a lot of that. Which is why I cautioned you on changing shortcuts; that will cut you off from intuitive actions, now and in future.
I don't know the exact word in English but is this picture.
No problem. That is the Alignment Inspector. In 4.x, I have Units set to cm (I am not from a backward country), and the Alignment Inspector show cm. So it is 5.x only, and it IS a bug (inconsistency, the engineer who wrote that code, wrote it in isolation, and evidently was a yank). Report it.

Last edited by Brian; 2010-05-18 at 02:42 PM.. Reason: Removed off-topic content.
Originally Posted by IncisiveOne View Post
No worries.

Not quite. You are used to the PC products, lying to you as usual. Eg. there is no such sequence as Command+; it is CommandShift= (and we all realise the + is Shift=).


You can lodge a Feature Request to "Scale Text to RibbonSize", but it will be a significant change to the Text object definition.

Option-Click on any object, then move the cursor, click where you want the copied object, does exactly that. That's using an Apple standard, so OmniGraffle works intuitively; it does a lot of that. Which is why I cautioned you on changing shortcuts; that will cut you off from intuitive actions, now and in future.

Great info! Thanks. I just would like to shrink text and objects at the same proportion. I do notice that text will keep its size while object will shrink. I am sure it not a difficult adjustment. Could you tell me where is it?

Guau...that is a good insight on the Metric vs Imperial System...but in a globalized world is a bit strange not to have a universal measure. It also makes your products more competitive and the US is certainly a major industrial power. I don't get it. I knew of problems with the Concord Jet airplane between England and France in 1970s because of difference measures system too.

I have no idea Children could be in Death Penalty sentence. That is quite scary!

Last edited by lang; 2010-05-14 at 09:24 AM..
Originally Posted by IncisiveOne View Post
Not quite. You are used to the PC products, lying to you as usual. Eg. there is no such sequence as Command+; it is CommandShift= (and we all realise the + is Shift=).
Go sit down at an Apple keyboard with a numeric keypad and you can press cmd-+ without any use of the shift key. My unmodified installation of Safari 4.0.5 on this Mac shows cmd+ and cmd- in the View menu, so maybe you ought to include Apple's products in the list of lying products, too!
Go sit down at an Apple keyboard with a numeric keypad and you can press cmd-+ without any use of the shift key.
That's incorrect, I have already explained above. There's no such thing as Command+; in order to get Command+, one must type Command-Shift-plus.
My unmodified installation of Safari 4.0.5 on this Mac shows cmd+ and cmd- in the View menu, so maybe you ought to include Apple's products in the list of lying products, too!
That's a bit more correct, but not quite correct; you are arguing without understanding the specific issue. The Menu states Command-+; but the fact is they mean Command-=. For your comfort, I shall therefore include Safari is the bucket of lying products; but it does not fit in that bucket for other reasons outside the scope for your criterion ... lying products are lying products for more than that simple item.
I am sure it not a difficult adjustment. Could you tell me where is it?
You can't. At least in 4.x. Lodge a feature Request. I would like it too.

Yup. They have a different requirements for killing children overseas, they do not even need a court or judge or jury.

Last edited by DerekAsirvadem; 2010-05-14 at 09:48 AM..

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