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Newbie: Few questions... Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Firstly, hi everyone!
Just started using Omnifocus on my Mac, iPhone and iPad - And I'm loving it.
I have a few questions if you wouldn't mind answering them.

Firstly, I'm using the Omni Server for syncing between everything.
On my iPad it gave me a clear section indicating I was syncing with the Omni server... On the iPhone there is no such option.
I've set up sync under WEBDAV - will this surfice? Everything is syncing... Just the iPhone takes a loooonnng time to sync up.

Secondly - Due dates. Is there an option to turn off having a due 'time'? My GTD routine means I like due 'days'... I find having to do certain things at (for example) 1:00PM quite intrusive. I simply like to see 'Due Monday'.
This feature is similar to and it's 'all-day' due date.

Thank you!

Last edited by Jon Forner; 2010-09-10 at 04:27 PM..
Originally Posted by Jon Forner View Post
Firstly, hi everyone!
Just started using Omnifocus on my Mac, iPhone and iPad - And I'm loving it.
I have a few questions if you wouldn't mind answering them.

Firstly, I'm using the Omni Server for syncing between everything.
On my iPad it gave me a clear section indicating I was syncing with the Omni server... On the iPhone there is no such option.
I've set up sync under WEBDAV - will this surfice? Everything is syncing... Just the iPhone takes a loooonnng time to sync up.
Yes, the iPhone just has the WebDAV section, but that is all the Omni Server is. The OSS came out after the iPhone app, and so far they haven't added custom UI for it to the iPhone app as you find in the iPad app.

Secondly - Due dates. Is there an option to turn off having a due 'time'? My GTD routine means I like due 'days'... I find having to do certain things at (for example) 1:00PM quite intrusive. I simply like to see 'Due Monday'.
This feature is similar to and it's 'all-day' due date.

Thank you!
Try setting the default due time to 11:59PM or perhaps 12:00AM...there's no option to turn it off.
I have just sent an e-mail to support about slow iPhone sync. For me, it slowed down in 1.7.2. In 1.7 sync time radically improved but now it seems to be a lot slower again. If you experience the same and you are new, you should report it. (If you are new, I reckon you have a much smaller database than I do, and you should experience a pretty smooth sync). You can use the Send Feedback from your OF for iphone to report it. Support from Omni is very good by the way.
Thanks for your replies guys.
So does everyone (including you two) complete tasks based on a specific time?
This is the one thing that's making the transition to OF hard.

I really need a due day, rather than time.
Also, what's the equivalent of a 'today' view like

The way I'm coping right now is flagging stuff in the morning to complete during the day, and using the 'flagged' perspective. But surely there is a more elegant way?! This is one of David Allen's most basic GTD principles.

Thanks guys!
Originally Posted by Jon Forner View Post
Thanks for your replies guys.
So does everyone (including you two) complete tasks based on a specific time?
This is the one thing that's making the transition to OF hard.

I really need a due day, rather than time.
In the preferences you can set the default due time. I think it's under Data. I set mine to 5pm because that's the end of the work day, but really it doesn't matter, I don't take any notice of the time.
There isn't view where the time shows up, eg the "Due" perspective only shows the date, not the time. Why is this causing you problems?

Originally Posted by Jon Forner View Post
Also, what's the equivalent of a 'today' view like
No. Search the forums. There is HEAPS of discussion about this.

Originally Posted by Jon Forner View Post
The way I'm coping right now is flagging stuff in the morning to complete during the day, and using the 'flagged' perspective. But surely there is a more elegant way?! This is one of David Allen's most basic GTD principles.
Actually David Allen says Today lists are not the way to do it. A today list is a form of prioritisation which is considered harmful. But as I said there is heaps of discussion about this elsewhere.

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