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Export oo3 to excel format Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
How do I export oo3 files to excel format? I downloaded the .zip file from the website / double clicked and tried to export a file to excel - nada.

What am I missing on my MBP?

Dbl-clicking the OmniOutliner Exports Plugin zip archive file will decompress its contents - generating a folder called Exports plugin which contains instructions and a subfolder (Exports Plugin.ooxsl) which you need to move to HOME/Library/Application Support/OmniOutliner 3/Plug-Ins/

As long are you are running OO3 Professional, Microsoft Excel (XML) will then be one of the file formats available under File > Export


Last edited by RobTrew; 2010-09-23 at 01:55 AM.. Reason: Clarification in case unzipping is unfamiliar
Does the Excel export work with Excel 2011?

(It generates an .xml (rather than .xlsx) file with a content which looks promising enough:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Workbook xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns:html="" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">
but the verdict given by Excel 2011 is that it is not a valid Excel spreadsheet, and manually changing the extension to .xlsx doesn't solve the problem)

You can, however, export from oo3 to .csv, and successfully import the .csv file into Excel 2011.

Yeah, I tried the CSV route, but as my outline has multiple columns, I lose them in the import.
Originally Posted by kevinpcook View Post
Yeah, I tried the CSV route, but as my outline has multiple columns, I lose them in the import.
That sounds frustrating, but there should be no problem at all with multiple columns.

With three columns in oo3 - one text and two numeric, I am finding that File > Export > CSV generates a file that contains the data and a header for all three columns.

I am also finding that in Excel 2011 File > Import > CSV File is having no difficulty in reading all three columns into good Excel data, textual and numeric.
Thanks for the guidance on adding the Excel Export plug-in.

I had to manually add the /Plug-ins/ directory as my oo3 Pro directory did not already have that.

But, I re-start oo3 and there is no Excel choice in the dropdown box.

Perhaps I need to re-boot the computer?

I need to export my 6 column OO file into an XML table, but I need to carry over some stylings too. I need BOLD, and hopefully Font COLOR and SIZE as well.

Is there anyone here who could write this plug-in? I bet it'd be useful to a lot of people!

Would it be a simple matter of modifying the Excel export plug-in?

Could I used the XML export plugin to export and then import into another table-generating program like Open Office?

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