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Any way to change size of search field? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
As displays get bigger, there is lots more room for toolbars. I use the separate location toolbar feature of OmniWeb, so there is a lot of empty space on my regular toolbar. The search field looks really tiny up there. I want to enlarge it, but can't figure out how. There was an old Mac OS X Hints post suggesting that changing the value of maxSize in the SearchField section of itemInfoByIdentifier in, but I tried changing that and nothing happened.

Ideally I should be able to just drag out the size I want; second choice is to set a size somewhere in the preferences; third choice, which I don't mind, is to edit a resource file.
I just tried it with those instructions and had it work; are you sure you followed them exactly, including quitting the application before editing? I made both the minimum and maximum size larger:

       SearchField = {
            paletteLabel = "Search Field";
            label = "Search";
            nullMenu = "(Search)";
            minSize = (150, 23.0 );
            maxSize = ( 300, 23.0 );
with the following result:

Aha. Thanks for the verification. I had a separate location bar when I did this. I just tried again, and it still didn't work. But then, without quitting, I turned off the separate location bar, went into the toolbar customization dialog, where the location bar no longer appeared, and added it back -- a known problem with removing the separate location bar. The search field was still unaffected. I removed it, put it back, and got the desired results.

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