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Lots of multiple projects Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am evaluating Omniplan to do the following:

1) Lots of projects (up to 10 at the same time)
2) Very short projects (few days stretched over a few weeks)
3) One resource [me]

The critical piece of information is to know when I can take on more work, or promise clients that their work will be finished.

Omniplan focus 100% of your time one task before taking on the next one. I want to fragment myself.

I think I should create one Omniproject, and create groups inside. But somehow it does not work.

I am new here, so if this has been answered before, please provide a link.

Thank you.

have a look at the recent post to the Omni Mouth about multiple project support in OmniPlan.

The default in OmniPlan is to assign resources at 100% utilization which as you have noticed means you work on one thing until it is done, then go to the next. If instead you create multiple resources (even though they may be the same person in this case) where the availability is set to a percentage less than 100%, you'll see OmniPlan willing to assign multiple tasks. You might experiment a bit with creating 4 or 5 "me" resources, each at 25% or 20%, so you can see how multi-tasking might affect the schedule. By default, the effort will stay the same, but duration will expand, though certainly there are tasks for which this relationship isn't desired, and they can be addressed via the Task:Assignments Inspector.
Thank you for the suggestion!

I am a professional presentation designer, maybe I should create different personages based on the type of activity:

Me: first big creative idea
Me: iterations after feedback
Me: small mop ups and creating final version

I could even schedule different times of the day for different types of activities.

Jan, instead of personages, could you make multiple projects with multiple phases? Phase 1: First big creative idea...etc. Or does that leave you back at square 1 with the resource at 100%?

(Just throwing ideas out to ponder.)

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