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Problems with shapes and text Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi, I'm having problems making shapes fit the text inside them. I've enabled both "Wrap to shape" and "Resize to fit", but I only get occasional success.

I'd like to have the text completely contained within all the shapes. I've also tried increasing the margin sizes, but it didn't help with the star shapes and I had to edit each shape individually.

I'd also like each new shape to have the wrapping and resizing enabled by default. I tried making a template, but it didn't seem to apply to new shapes. Thanks for your help!
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Name:	Screen Shot 2012-05-21 at 3.07.57 PM.png
Views:	928
Size:	33.5 KB
ID:	2398  
Shape vs. text relationships are set in the Style:Text inspector, using the middle row of buttons on the left of the panel, plus the "Wrap to Shape" checkbox. Choosing the rightmost button (text wholly contained in the shape) will force the shape to change to enclose all the text. Note that this lets you control only the width of the shape; the hight changes automatically to fit the text.

If you set this attribute for a shape, it will be inherited (while unchanged) by other shapes you choose by option-clicking the shape tool and then making a selection in the shape panel of the Stroke inspector.

Setting style attributes after option-clicking the shape tool is the general way to set up default attributes for a shape. The result isn't really a global default, though. It adds a new style to the shape tool's pulldown which you can choose the next time you want to draw that shape. If you add those styles to your favorites (an option at the bottom of the shape tool pulldown) they'll remain when you make a template.

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