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Questions from a newbie Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Okay I'm brand new to omnifocus and using a tool to control my activities. To date I've used email, to do lists and diaries but I'm hoping this will improve my efficiency. I've purchased OF for iPad and iPhone. I don't have a Mac. I've done a power of reading on this so starting to see how I'll use it.

I've came across 3 main questions that I'd love an answer to.

1. Is emailing an attachment via the omnisync mail drop to inbox feature the only way to get a document attached to an action? I really want to attach documents to actions as it allows for mobile storage of key project docs. I know it's probably using OF for more than its designed for but it's really powerful.

2. What are clippings and are they relevant to OF on the iPad?

3. Is omnioutliner designed to work with OF or is it for a different purpose? If so what gap does it fill.

I know this is a lot in a single post but all help appreciated.

P.s. my initial impression of OF is that it's superb.
Welcome to the forums, Madg36! To keep the conversational threads relatively clear, I'm going to answer the questions in individual posts.

Originally Posted by Magd36 View Post
1. Is emailing an attachment via the omnisync mail drop to inbox feature the only way to get a document attached to an action?
It's not the only way, but for an iOS-only customer, it's probably the easiest way. (The other ways depend on OS X features which have no equivalent in iOS.)
Originally Posted by Magd36 View Post
2. What are clippings and are they relevant to OF on the iPad?
Similar situation here as in the previous question - OS X makes it pretty easy for applications to talk to each other and send information back and forth. By comparison, iOS omits a lot of those tools. (Apple didn't want to create a situation where a rogue app steals your info or uses your phone to call a pay number in another country or something.)

To actually answer your question, though, in OmniFocus for Mac, you can select something in another application and then "Clip" that selection into your OmniFocus inbox by pressing a keyboard shortcut you define.

There's no direct equivalent in iOS, though. Sorry.
Originally Posted by Magd36 View Post
3. Is omnioutliner designed to work with OF or is it for a different purpose? If so what gap does it fill.
Both applications use columns of data in an outline format, but OmniFocus is designed around a specific task (helping you remember things you need to do and pick which to do next) while OmniOutliner is a general-purpose document-creation application - you can use it for a wider range of activities.

While you could set up an OmniOutliner document as a to-do list and do some OmniFocus-like activities in that document, OmniFocus wouldn't work as well for taking lecture notes in a class, writing a screenplay, or tracking all of the movies and books you own (which are examples of some of the tasks that folks have used OmniOutliner for).
Originally Posted by Magd36 View Post
I know this is a lot in a single post but all help appreciated.

P.s. my initial impression of OF is that it's superb.
Happy to help, and thanks for the kind words. :-)
Thanks for all of that. Just building up my next list of questions!!!

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