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OS X dictionary integration. Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I'm wondering if there are any plans for OmniWeb to adopt the very useful dictionary feature of 10.4? It works in most every Cocoa application, even in your other Omni products, but not in OmniWeb. So why can't I highlight a word, right click it, and ask for a definition? Please implement such a thing, or maybe just a keyboard command that does it. Thanks for reading :-)
There was some discussion about that here:

It also includes a helpful tip from the OG.
Select a word and hit Command-Control-D to get the definition pop-up. No context menu item quite yet.
For some reason, it doesn't work for me. I tested it in a clean user account, and it works there. Anyone know why it might not work? say, installed things that might disable it in OW.
any haxies installed?
Check your keyboard shortcut for the Dictionary in System Preferences>Keyboard & Mouse. If it looks normal, do you have something else installed that conflicts with it such as a Service? Try changing the shortcut to see if it works thereafter.
Originally Posted by Forrest
any haxies installed?
Many. I was hoping for a suggestion for where to start. It'd take all day to disable each thing individually. The only one I can think of that might interfere with this is ICeCoffEE, but that's disabled in OW.

Originally Posted by JKT
Check your keyboard shortcut for the Dictionary in System Preferences>Keyboard & Mouse. If it looks normal, do you have something else installed that conflicts with it such as a Service? Try changing the shortcut to see if it works thereafter.
The shortcut is set in the System Prefs.

I realize I failed to say it works in my account in other apps like Safari, just not in OW, which leads me to believe I've done something to OW.

Looking at it now more carefully, it actually does work in OW, but only in text entries (like the one I'm typing in now). First time I notice it. Clicking on words outside of this text entry block, it doesn't work. I click on them and hit the shortcut, nothing; highlight them, nothing. In my test account, the shortcut worked everywhere.

Last edited by afb; 2006-05-03 at 12:07 AM..
Testing a little further, it works on the text in the quick reply box before you hit reply but nowhere else on the page.

Also, I looked at the services, and this feature doesn't appear to rely on it. I've used Service Scrubber to shut off the service, and it works anyway.

Last edited by afb; 2006-05-03 at 12:09 AM..
silly question but could you be doing this in 5.1.3? What you describe is just how 5.1.3 worked, the dictionary shortcut would work in text areas but not anywhere else.
Hmm. Nope definitely sp7. I did confirm though that 5.1.3 does do this too.

Might there be some weird pref that is keeping me from OSX Dictionary happiness?

Edit: I was able to check how 5.1.3 because I was and am writing from my laptop, which up until a minute ago did not have sp7 installed. Much to my amazement, the dictionary thing works here. Being that both computers have more or less the same setup, the realm of possible conflicts is vastly narrowed. I'll test this tomorrow and report back.

Now if only there were non-English dictionaries for it available ...

Last edited by afb; 2006-05-05 at 01:39 AM..

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