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I hope posting my comments on using the trial version of OmniPlan over the last month or so are of intrest. I am a director of a small UK based Construction and Joinery Company.

I find Omniplan very easy to use and powerful enough for use in connection with small construction/fitting out projects.

Omniplan is very compact and ideal for devoloping your ideas quickly on the fly. The terminology is also reasonably clear and the Menu options are well structured and conveniently arranged.

I also like the facility to group resources

I would like to see more levels of time headings than the single row above the Gnatt chart.

The working day has to be set at 24 hours to avoid displaying a vast array of break shading columns for week day non working time.

There is too much wasted space between rows on the resource chart.

The print routine is extremely poor, contains bugs and is inflexible compared to the majority of the competition.

For my purposes, the lack of control, reliable saving and presentation quality of the printed output is the main reason why I am holding back on purchase for the time being.

I would be interested to hear any further comments.

Last edited by DGD; 2007-05-23 at 04:45 PM..
Thanks for the feedback DGD!

Originally Posted by DGD
I would like to see more levels of time headings than the single row above the Gnatt chart.
This is a popular feature request in our database that we're planning on implementing in a future version. I'll add another vote to it for you.

Originally Posted by DGD
The working day has to be set at 24 hours to avoid displaying a vast array of break shading columns for week day non working time.
You don't have to change your work hours to 24 hours to do this. What you could do is go to the "Project : Colors" inspector and set the "Off-hours" color from light grey to white. It will match the on-hours color perfectly, so when you go to "View" > "Gantt Chart" > "Show Off-hours" you won't see any shading.

Originally Posted by DGD
There is too much wasted space between rows on the resource chart.
Would you like it if we decreased the font size for the resource names in the rows to make them more narrow?

Originally Posted by DGD
The print routine is extremely poor, contains bugs and is inflexible compared to the majority of the competition.
We're aware of some printing issues in OmniPlan 1.1 and hope to address a lot of them in OmniPlan 1.2. If you don't mind, would you be willing to explain what type of bugs you're seeing? If you'd like to email in examples, you can send them to
Originally Posted by akwong
Thanks for the feedback DGD!

This is a popular feature request in our database that we're planning on implementing in a future version. I'll add another vote to it for you.

You don't have to change your work hours to 24 hours to do this. What you could do is go to the "Project : Colors" inspector and set the "Off-hours" color from light grey to white. It will match the on-hours color perfectly, so when you go to "View" > "Gantt Chart" > "Show Off-hours" you won't see any shading.

Would you like it if we decreased the font size for the resource names in the rows to make them more narrow?

We're aware of some printing issues in OmniPlan 1.1 and hope to address a lot of them in OmniPlan 1.2. If you don't mind, would you be willing to explain what type of bugs you're seeing? If you'd like to email in examples, you can send them to

Thanks akwong

The printing problems I have encountered are as follows:-

Setting page margins
The Prgram is a liitle non responsive when altrering the dimensions of the margins.

Once the new margin dimensions are set they only remain in force while the program is open and are not saved for later use. This also applies to the header and footer text.

I like to see the shading for complete non working days, such as weekends and holiday dates, as is possible in MS Project.

One further problem I have encountered, the length of the Gnatt bars sometimes do not reflect the duration set in the outline column, I will send you the file.

I understand that you intend to improve the print routine here are some suggestions:-

Multi line, Headers and Footers with fonts set to paper size, rather than scaled with program.

Multiple views for saving with the respective file

Hide pre-selected columns when printing chart

Option to automatically print filename, date, etc


Last edited by DGD; 2007-05-28 at 11:57 AM..
Originally Posted by DGD
Setting page margins
The Prgram is a liitle non responsive when altrering the dimensions of the margins.

Once the new margin dimensions are set they only remain in force while the program is open and are not saved for later use. This also applies to the header and footer text.
We have feature requests filed for saving margins and header/footer text, so I'll add a vote to them for you.

We're aware of the print margins acting a bit slow, it seems to redraw the print preview as you type each number. Our engineers are looking into ways to make this more responsive.

Originally Posted by DGD
I like to see the shading for complete non working days, such as weekends and holiday dates, as is possible in MS Project.
If you go to "View" > "Gantt Chart" and check "Show Off-Hours", it should show the off days and off hours in a different shade. Is this what you're looking for?

Originally Posted by DGD
I understand that you intend to improve the print routine here are some suggestions:-

Multi line, Headers and Footers with fonts set to paper size, rather than scaled with program.

Multiple views for saving with the respective file

Hide pre-selected columns when printing chart

Option to automatically print filename, date, etc
These are all on our to-do list for OmniPlan's printing features. I'll add a vote to each one.
I think DGD is talking about the ability to add holiday dates or other non working days that will be taken to account when project durations are calculated. Now it seems that there is only one week template with no abbreviation. ... and then these off-days whould automatically be shown in a different shade.

My undestanding is that you have to create a Work Schedule for a group or each staff member and manually set each week differently. This works but it's a bit slow to do. Why edit a list of non working days, set holidays etc.

Still, these days won't show in a different shade. Show off-hours works, but I think it looks too messy to have tiny white stripes on grey..

..but over all, I like this program ;)
Originally Posted by usr2525 View Post
I think DGD is talking about the ability to add holiday dates or other non working days that will be taken to account when project durations are calculated. Now it seems that there is only one week template with no abbreviation. ... and then these off-days whould automatically be shown in a different shade.

My undestanding is that you have to create a Work Schedule for a group or each staff member and manually set each week differently. This works but it's a bit slow to do. Why edit a list of non working days, set holidays etc.

Still, these days won't show in a different shade. Show off-hours works, but I think it looks too messy to have tiny white stripes on grey..

..but over all, I like this program ;)
Coloring the holidays a different shade is a request in our database. You can set the off-hours shading to a different color by going to the "Project : Colors" inspector.

How would you like to edit the work schedule for resources/groups besides using the work week calendars?

Last edited by skwirl; 2008-03-18 at 04:09 PM..
Originally Posted by usr2525 View Post
My undestanding is that you have to create a Work Schedule for a group or each staff member and manually set each week differently. This works but it's a bit slow to do. Why edit a list of non working days, set holidays etc.
It sounds as if you have missed "Work Schedule for Project"? Just be sure that you have no resource selected in the calendar view. You will probably be looking at the "Normal Work Week for Project". Just change the popup in the lower left to "Work Schedule for Project", find the holiday in question in the calendar, and mark it off by shift-dragging over the off time.

If you're going to make some poor sap come in on the holiday, of course, you'll have to go override this in their personal (or group) work schedule.


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