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Importing CSV Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

i'm just now looking at OmniFocus for the first time, so pardon me if i'm missing anything obvious ;).

we have our own on-house task tracking system with (currently) no decent non-Windows client. i saw that OmniFocus allows importing/exporting, so naïve as i am, i went ahead and exported the sample tasks as CSV and write a quick-hack tool to emit a similar CVS file based on our data - only to find that while OF can *export* to CSV just fine, it refuses to *import* it (both my and the original file). Is this as designed, is it a limitation of the trial, or what's going on here? what format should i look into to get data *imported* into OF?

Two options come to mind:

1. If your organization has any development capacity, it is not difficult to write a specialised importer using Applescript. This would give you the most efficient workflow.

2. For a quick and dirty solution in the interim, you can use search and replace to convert your CSV text into tab-delimited text, and use Omnioutliner to import that. Omnifocus can import Omnioutliner files.

thanx. options 2 sounds the best to start with, as the "development resources" for this would be "me", and while looking at AppleScript is something i wanna do ay some stage, it's nothing i know anything about right now <g>. Do you have any pointer the the apple script interface of OF, for when i get there?

in the meantime, i'll try looking at OmniOutliner's file format and try and reproduce that - since i wrote the CSV generator myself anyways, it should be easy to fix that to emit whatever OO generates, instead.


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