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I am trying to find an entry, using the various find operations but so far as I can tell, the find option only works within the currently viewed entries and does NOT find across the entire database.

In my case, I know I have an entry "Turn in receipt" but I cant seem to find this item anywhere.
Select the Perspectives -> All Items command in the menu bar. Then perform your search. You could even save a custom perspective displaying all items (and any other view options you like) and put it in your toolbar for easy access.

This topic has come up before and is supposedly going to be addressed further by the Omni Group in a future release.


Last edited by Toadling; 2009-02-04 at 10:11 AM..
That's correct, the find operation only searches the items in the current view. Use the built-in All Items perspective and repeat your search.

f you remember approximately when you entered a new item but are not sure about what you called it, doing a context mode search grouped or sorted by Date Added can be an effective way to track something down. You can do this using due or start dates if you recall them, but the date added has the advantage that the program sets that value and there's no possibility of it accidentally being changed by user error.

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