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Text Ruler Styles? List Behaviors? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm posting this in hopes of getting some fresh discussion (and some coaching) on the performance of lists in OMG-Pro 5.2.3.
Would like facility of creating text boxes with the type of list hierarchy that can be generated in Powerpoint, where it is easy to indent subordinate items. Have I missed how this can be done? Seems like a continued issue from the forum....

In attempting to customize my lists, I followed some past instructions in other posts (JKT - knowledgeable user!) that indicated that text ruler settings (tabs, wraps, etc) could be saved as Favorite Styles there in the associated "Styles" drop down box that appears proximal to text ruler when editing text. Yet attempt to apply these styles had no impact.

So how do these "ruler Styles" work? They appear unrelated to the general styles of the text tool. And how do you delete Styles that you have added to it.

In general, attempting apply canned settings for lists from "Lists" dropdown box seemed erratic - styling gets applied over multiple lines, when I was just attempting to apply to one line. Are these canned list forms trying to apply it to everything in the text box? What controls how many lines the list formatting is carried over?

Finally, is there anyway to use a custom bullet? The built in list is short. I bumped my head repeatedly on this. It seems the kluge is to have your custom bullet precede a "none" bullet. But can someone explain what "Prepend enclosing list marker" means?

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