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Can I undo automatic layout? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Edit: solved my problem by reverting to an earlier backup.

I clicked automatic layout a couple of times and the resulting layout is ...less than adequate so I clicked the undo button to no avail. I unchecked automatic layout in vain.

Do I have any recourse or must live with the foul consequences of my foolish actions?

My sadness is deeper than a thousand wells.

Last edited by gozulin; 2012-07-12 at 02:04 PM..
No attempt is made to keep the positions of every object before automatic layout is enabled. Obviously, one might wish that it were otherwise, but I don't know enough about how the Undo mechanism works to speculate on whether that is practical to implement. You can make a feature request by using Help->Send Feedback in the application.

Did you check your backups for a recent version?
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
No attempt is made to keep the positions of every object before automatic layout is enabled. Obviously, one might wish that it were otherwise, but I don't know enough about how the Undo mechanism works to speculate on whether that is practical to implement. You can make a feature request by using Help->Send Feedback in the application.

Did you check your backups for a recent version?
That's a good idea. I have time machine backups i could look up. Do you know where Omnigraffle stores the file I'm working on? (I haven't saved it to a file yet).
Check ~/Library/Autosave Information for unsaved files.
Originally Posted by gozulin View Post
Edit: solved my problem by reverting to an earlier backup.

I clicked automatic layout a couple of times and the resulting layout is ...less than adequate so I clicked the undo button to no avail. I unchecked automatic layout in vain.
Can you tell me how you were invoking automatic layout? I’m able to undo automatic layout after clicking the checkbox in the layout inspector, or via Arrange → Layout Entire Canvas.

However, if you're running Lion, you should be also be able to return to previous versions via File → Revert Document…
When I tried it, I drew some shapes, then clicked the Automatic Layout box in Canvas : Diagram Layout. Unchecking the Automatic Layout box did nothing, although I now see that if I uncheck the box and then do File->Undo enough times it will undo the effect of the automatic layout. Poor marks on altering the File menu to reflect just what the Undo command is going to undo, however! Not exactly intuitive that one has to use the Undo command in addition to disabling automatic layout, either.

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