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Removing tab stops from ruler bar Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi all,

First time posting. Couldn't find an associated thread or online help page to answer this. Not in the keyboard shortcuts either.

How do you remove tab stops from the ruler bar?

I've tried dragging the tab stop out of the ruler bar, but it stays within the confines of the text box its associated with. Right clicking on it does nothing either.

I feel like I'm missing something completely obvious, but I can't figure it out. Help?
The relevant Help topic is "About the rulers and inspector bar" and the answer is that you simply drag the unwanted tab stop off the ruler bar, much like removing something from the Finder's sidebar.
If by "it stays within the confines of the text box its associated with" you meant that the tab removal affects only that one instance of textbox or shape and not subsequently-created ones, I'm afraid that seems to be the case. There doesn't seem to be a way to specify default tab settings for new textboxes or shapes. They're not saved as part of a style, either.

On the other hand, tab settings are carried over when you duplicate or copy-paste a shape. This means that you can create a stencil of textboxes and common shapes with particular tab settings and use those when you need them.

Last edited by john.gersh; 2012-11-29 at 06:13 AM..
I figured it out. What I was trying to remove was actually the text boundary marker within the tab box. It has the same style as a Center Tab Stop used by Microsoft products (upside down triangle). Omnigraffle uses a diamond-style shape. :)

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