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I've sent this as feedback, but I'm going to post this here in case it inspires anyone who also thinks its a good idea to do the same.

In general OmniFocus is not geared towards deleting tasks, once completed. My suggestion is that there be a preference to turn the "swipe across" gesture on the iPhone to "Flag" instead of "Delete"

I'm using flagging alot more now on the iPhone, and I'd love to review a bunch of tasks and quickly flag some. Currently you have to dive into the details of each task.

I'd suggested that swipe left>right delete while right>left flag, but I think it would work better as a pref.

I love this idea and will send my feedback in for it!

This would allow me to do my daily review and flag items that I intend to work on that day and then once an item is flagged I can do the same thing to unflag it if I feel that I can not finish it today.

However, it all depends in the iPhone SDK allow for Right > Left Swiping. =)
Originally Posted by aaronmclay View Post
However, it all depends in the iPhone SDK allow for Right > Left Swiping. =)
Not to mention it could be confusing, and why it might better be a pref:

"swiping an item:" O Deletes it O Flags it

Sorry to say so, but this, I think, is a terrible idea. Not only should the swipe gesture be reserved for 'delete', I actually use it a lot. I see no reason to keep most tasks after they're done.
Breaking with iPhone standard gesture rules is a very bad idea in general.

I think it should give back the Design Award if it abuses the gestures. It might be a good idea here, but then, every program finds some way to make use of other gestures, and shortly no standard behaviour is left on that great device.
How about a lateral pinch to flag, and an un-pinch to unflag?

Still gesture, without agitating folks about the pure swipe interpretation.

On a line item:

---------> this is a swipe

----> <---- this is a line item pinch (flag)

<---- ----> this is a line item un-pinch (un-flag)

just a super-fast idea from me while browsing forums; maybe too hard for some.
Originally Posted by HiramvdG View Post
Sorry to say so, but this, I think, is a terrible idea. Not only should the swipe gesture be reserved for 'delete', I actually use it a lot. I see no reason to keep most tasks after they're done.
Do you tap to complete, and then swipe to delete, or just delete it when you've completed it?

A generally well regarded feature of the Mac version is that it does not delete items, but keeps them for later reference (and now with an archive feature).

Originally Posted by chess77 View Post
Breaking with iPhone standard gesture rules is a very bad idea in general.
While this is the built in behavior of the UITableView - its not clear from any of the HIG docs that this is in fact a standard. It is the free and easy thing to do because its built in, but the docs suggest that there could be other "editing" styles used.

I think it should give back the Design Award if it abuses the gestures. It might be a good idea here, but then, every program finds some way to make use of other gestures, and shortly no standard behaviour is left on that great device.
I do think that the app should ship with the default behavior, but then have a pref for using it to flag.

However after scanning the reference docs for the class, it looks harder to implement than I would have guessed.

Perhaps in edit mode (like in mail you can select multiple messages and then choose to move or delete) you could select multiple and then choose to delete or flag...

I was something similar to flag actions. In the Newsstand app, you can click on the very edge of an item to "star" it. I think this would be perfect for OF actions. Just tap the edge of the action line and it'll flag and unflag it.
things and todo iphone apps have a good way of achieving flagging multiple tasks easily.

they have a star (flag) button that changes the check off box for tasks to a star (flag). you can then go through your task list and star (flag) things that you want added to your today smart list.

it would be great if omnifocus iphone had something this easy. its a pain to have to drill into tasks just to flag them.

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