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iPhone vs Android Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi folks,

I am on the verge of buying a new phone since my current one is ancient.

I am having some serious debates with myself if I should get an iPhone or and Android. My fiends unanimously recommend Android. I want to get an iPhone for one reason only--OmniFocus. However, my fear is that I will end up with a shattered glass and I have no desire to pay Apple $100+ to change it.

I have been reading the forums here and I know that people have debated this for some time. I wanted to check if there are any tech developments in the iPhone vs Androd dilemma since April, the date of the last post.

In addition, I'd be happy to hear from people who have other smartphones than an iPhone and share how they practically handle this.

If I had an Android, I'd be ok with emailing myself the to do items that I think of. Is there any way to email them with more specifications: e.g. to have it filed directly in a project folder or give a deadline, etc. From what I understand so far, that's possible only on an Apple device.

Also if I had an Android, I want to be able to view my to do tasks for the day. I've set up a Today's perspective and I want to see those items on the phone easily. Will it be possible for me to save the to do list as a pdf or another file and automatically (may be with the help of a script) to have it sent to my googledrive?

In addition, those who have an Android, can you open pdf files and access google drive on your phones?

I know that these are mostly questions about Android because I am partly leaning in that direction. However, I do not want to be paranoid (rhyme not intended) about shattering the iPhone glass.

Your help with my dilemmas will be highly appreciated!
Thanks for reading!
Shattering the iPhone glass? What are you planning to do? Use it as a hammer?
Sounds like you need to find a higher class of friends!

Kidding....kind of.

I'm an iPhone person and completely biased. I had a 3G, 4, 4S and now I have an iPhone 5. I have NEVER broken any of these. Like any expensive piece of equipment or property it needs to be treated as such.

If you want to use Omni Focus you will likely need to stick to iPhone. The Android ecosystem is truly fragmented....I know that statement gets used to death...but it is true. I'm not a developer, but I can see it being a challenge trying to develop for all the variations. I don't see Omni taking Omni Focus to Android.

Go iPhone...and don't look back.

Again..just my biased opinion.

Hi folks,

Thanks for your replies. No, I was not planning on using a hammer :) Have you not seen the gazillion you tube clips on how to change the screen of an iPhone? (

One of my friends told me that the screen is so fragile that it cracked while she was holding the phone in her hand without any extra pressure.... Others are complaining about how easy it is to scratch the phone.

In any case, today I was running some errands, and I was craving for an iphone, so I can check out my contexts, and see what else did I need to buy from CVS.

So I think I am going in the direction of the iPhone. At least these have been the developments for the past several hours :)
Originally Posted by Anna_123 View Post
One of my friends told me that the screen is so fragile that it cracked while she was holding the phone in her hand without any extra pressure.... Others are complaining about how easy it is to scratch the phone.
Hi Anna,

It is physically not possible to crack toughened glass whilst just holding it in your hand, it would either need some form or impact or to be seriously twisted. The iphone has toughened and scratch proof glass. I've cracked one screen and that's because I dropped it and it wasn't in a case

Android phones come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, the best ones are excellently built, the others not so much, some of the low end ones are craptastic. Say what you like about the iphone 4, 4s and 5, but they're well put together.

Android may suit your needs, but I'd be concerned about the lack of frequent OS updates on any handset which isn't Google branded, some phones which are only just over 12 months old are not receiving any new Android updates.

Each to their own, but the bottom line is, if you want Omnifocus on the move, you need an IOS device.
Hi folks,

Thanks for your responses so far.

I am about to get an iPhone now, and I am debating if I should get the 4 or the 4s. Which one is better with OF? If there are no crashes with either one, I'd go for the free iphone 4 which is free.

Any recommendations?

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