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OF: Add an attachment to existing task? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
How do you add a file to an existing task?

I know how to create a new task with a new file attachment, but I couldn't find out how to attach it to a specific task.

The task I want do address is always the same (same name, same OF task id).

Thanks for any help.

This is a part of dave_m's script, modified by whpalmer4 (
 	tell front document
		set NewTask to make new inbox task with properties {name:file_name}
		tell the note of NewTask
			make new file attachment with properties {file name:this_item, embedded:pEmbedFile}
		end tell
	end tell
You should be able to get a reference to an existing task with something like:

set oTask to task id "fGboNvQt1Pr"
and then

tell the note of oTask
end tell
thank you, your solution works. In my special case I just had to add "of front document".

How can I get a reference to an existing task using its name?

set myTaskName to name of task id "fGboNvQt1Pr" of front document
will get the name of my task correctly.

However, this code
set oTask to task id of front document whose name contains "Task name for attachments"
won't give me the task id.
I just found your post over here:

Problem solved.

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