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OF: rename file name of an attachment? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
How do you change a file's name when attaching it to a task?

Changing "file name:this_item" to something like "file name:this_item & "your extension"" does not work as OF won't find a file like this (obviously).

Thanks for any hints.

This is the process for attaching a file with its original name:
set NewTask to make new inbox task with properties {name:file_name}
tell the note of NewTask
make new file attachment with properties {file name:this_item, embedded:pEmbedFile}
end tell
I think you will need to begin by changing the name of the file itself through the operating system, or by scripting the Finder

(See for example)

And then supply the full posix path of the renamed file to the file name property of the new file attachment.
Yes, that is what I am doing currently.

Unfortunately - as the files will be exported to a Dropbox folder - renaming files that quickly results in duplicate files.

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