I'm sure this could be accomplished a lot more efficiently, but here's my attempt to add spaced repetition functionality to OmniOutliner 3. The goal is more efficient memorization using the SM-2/SuperMemo algorithm. (I hope I implemented the formula correctly). Flashcard programs like Anki and Mnemosyne are great, but it's tough to see the context of what you're learning, and in law context is very important. Using OmniOutliner, the row text can serve as a question and the note text as the answer. Columns 3, 4, 5, and 6 are used to store the information about past and future repetitions.

I've got more written up about this on my site, along with simpler spaced repetition routines for some other software (VoodooPad and EagleFiler).

tell application "OmniOutliner" -- columns: -- 1 is checkbox (unused) -- 2 is for content (questions in the row; answers as comments) -- 3 is quality -- 4 is due -- 5 is numReps -- 6 is EF set baseEaseFactor to 1.3 set i to value of cell 5 of selected row of front document -- number of repetitions thus far set q to value of cell 3 of selected row of front document -- Get quality # -- Set existing easiness factor... if value of cell 6 of selected row of front document contains "" then set value of cell 6 of selected row of front document to baseEaseFactor as text set oldEF to baseEaseFactor else set oldEF to value of cell 6 of selected row of front document -- Get oldEF end if -- If there have been no reps: if i as integer is equal to 0 then set nextDue to do shell script "date -v+0d +%Y-%m-%d" as string set value of cell 4 of selected row of front document to nextDue as string set value of cell 5 of selected row of front document to "1" as string set value of cell 6 of selected row of front document to baseEaseFactor as string return -- If there have been 2 reps: else if i as integer is equal to 1 then set i to i + 1 set value of cell 5 of selected row of front document to i as string set dueCellValue to do shell script "date -v+1d +%Y-%m-%d" as string set value of cell 4 of selected row of front document to dueCellValue as string return else if i as integer is equal to 2 then set nextDue to do shell script "date -v+6d +%Y-%m-%d" as string set value of cell 4 of selected row of front document to nextDue as string set value of cell 5 of selected row of front document to "3" as string set value of cell 6 of selected row of front document to baseEaseFactor as string return else -- all other numbers set value of cell 5 of selected row of front document to i + 1 as string set newEF to oldEF - 0.8 + 0.28 * q - 0.02 * q * q if newEF is less than 1.3 then set newEF to 1.3 end if if newEF is greater than or equal to 2.5 then set newEF to 2.5 end if set value of cell 6 of selected row of front document to newEF as string if q > 0 then set nextDue to (i * (i - 1) * newEF) as integer set dueCellValue to do shell script "date -v+" & nextDue & "d +%Y-%m-%d" set value of cell 4 of selected row of front document to dueCellValue as string set i to i + 1 set value of cell 5 of selected row of front document to i as string else set nextDue to do shell script "date -v+0d +%Y-%m-%d" as string set value of cell 4 of selected row of front document to nextDue as string set value of cell 5 of selected row of front document to "0" as string end if end if end tell