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Project Notes text and attachments Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
As per the desktop Omnifocus application, it would be great if the iphone application would show an icon to identify that a note has been attached to a project or action. Currently this seems not to occur.

Also, specifically with projects, currently the only way to view a note attached to a PROJECT, is to edit the project so one can see the details of the project. Is there another way to see a project details to view an attached note. Having to go into edit mode seem counter intuitive and so easy to miss considering the first point when, with no icon, one isn't sure there is even a note present.

If I am missing something and there is a way that currently addresses any or all of the above issues, I would love to know!
Originally Posted by BruceG View Post
As per the desktop Omnifocus application, it would be great if the iphone application would show an icon to identify that a note has been attached to a project or action. Currently this seems not to occur.
That's correct, there's no indication. Where would you put it? Between the overdue/due soon badge, and the overdue/due soon description, there's not a lot of unsubscribed space left.
Also, specifically with projects, currently the only way to view a note attached to a PROJECT, is to edit the project so one can see the details of the project. Is there another way to see a project details to view an attached note. Having to go into edit mode seem counter intuitive and so easy to miss considering the first point when, with no icon, one isn't sure there is even a note present.
This is also true, but again, how would you improve on the current implementation?
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
That's correct, there's no indication. Where would you put it? Between the overdue/due soon badge, and the overdue/due soon description, there's not a lot of unsubscribed space left.

This is also true, but again, how would you improve on the current implementation?
One way could be to use a soft pastel color for for the background color of the project or action task to indicate that a note was attached, if space is too much of a premium to have an icon present.

With regards to viewing information about a project (so in addition one could view the note or attachment), this could be implemented with a double tap or other gesture.
Originally Posted by BruceG View Post
One way could be to use a soft pastel color for for the background color of the project or action task to indicate that a note was attached, if space is too much of a premium to have an icon present.

With regards to viewing information about a project (so in addition one could view the note or attachment), this could be implemented with a double tap or other gesture.
Both of these strike me as perhaps a bit hard to discover, and not a clear improvement over the status quo, but I don't have an alternative proposal to offer.

Be sure to use Help->Send Feedback to submit your feature requests or suggestions, forum posts don't really get it done.

Big fan here with a suggestion on this topic:

Couldn't clicking on the Project name enter the user into edit mode -- the same way clicking on an action does now?

That is what I expected the first time I clicked on a project name seeking its details, including its notes and attached audio etc. As it is, you see only its associated actions. I'd find it consistent to discover all the other details down below them.

It wasn't till I found this thread that I discovered you had to go to the project list, click edit mode to get to its note. (At first I clicked the specific project, then edit mode, but that only let me edit the list of actions.) I figured the note data wasn't even included in sync. Happy to find that's not the case, but obviously I consider this forum a less than intuitive way to find Project notes ;)

If showing edit mode and all its details were deemed too crowded for that view of the project, I'd suggest including at least the project's note atop the list along with its actions.

Those project notes are where I do GTD's project brainstorming -- producing all the associated actions. It would be more consistent with the action interface and be GTD intuitive.

Thanks for listening, amazing program!

(Obviously I'm less concerned with the matter of fitting an icon to indicate an attached note exists. The action list doesn't do this either and that's okay with me. I'm much more interested in easy access to the note itself. IMHO; )

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