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How do I change text notes fonts Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I find text notes unreadbly small. I can change the font size and style for each individual note, but how do I change them globally and make sure that new outlines use the same (larger) font every time.

i've created templates and done 'File>New from template' but new notes revert to the original (small) size.
Click on the header to the note column (over the notes icon) so that it selects the notes for the entire document. Now use the Appearance: Font inspector to select your desired font for the notes, and save as a document template. That doesn't work for you?
Thanks for taking the trouble to respond.

Perhaps I'm being stupid, but what do you mean by
the header to the note column
The notes appear inline or in the pane below - which column do you refer to?
I've attached two screenshots, one showing the notes icon, the other the notes column selected. By default, the notes column is column 1, and the main topic column in the outline is column 2, as you'll see if you look at the drawer contents carefully.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Picture 14.png
Views:	1151
Size:	31.2 KB
ID:	1284   Click image for larger version

Name:	Picture 16.png
Views:	1132
Size:	31.0 KB
ID:	1285  
Another way to do this would be to select View -> Show Utility Drawer from the menu bar, and then to select the "Note (Column 1)" style in the bottom half of the drawer that appears.

Hit command-plus on your keyboard until the notes are sized as you'd like.

To make sure that all future documents do this, press the "Edit New Document Template" button in the General pane of preferences, then do the above steps in the window that appears. Save the template, and you should be good to go from here on out.

Hope this helps!

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