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double clicking messes up my entire drawing - what is this about? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

New to OmniGraffle, trying it out.

Great program, but a few confusing things. The connectors are very strange. I never thought I'd say this, but I'd like them to act more like Visio (gads!). They REALLY seem to have a mind of their own! All I want to do is draw right angle lines most of the time, and position them myself, this is always how I've ended up drawing connectors for years in Visio, etc. - the automatic stuff is just always more trouble than it's worth I find. Every time I touch ANYTHING AT ALL in OmniGraffle with a line, the lines suddenly change shape, morph and mess up the careful way I've laid them all out. How do I make this stop doing all this automatic stuff?

One more thing. On a recent drawing, I connect two objects in a network diagram, and as soon as the two are connected, the entire drawing, all shapes, everything, whirls around and all goes to the center, ruining the entire layout. I can't imagine what "feature" this could be. Like WTF.

I think the same thing happens when I accidentally double click sometimes.

I've looked in preferences, and can't find anything much to turn off.

Like I said, I absolutely love the program, but drawing lines in this thing, if I can lick this, I will be golden.

Please - let me draw the lines, stop with the over-wrought automation here!

Sounds like you have automatic layout turned on. You may have turned it on accidentally, or by choosing a document template that has it on by default. (Templates in the Brainstorming and Organizational Charts section of the Template Chooser have automatic layout turned on, the remainder do not.)

To turn off auto-layout, go to the Canvas : Diagram Layout inspector and uncheck the "Automatic layout" checkbox. Does that help?
double clicking messes up my entire drawing - what is this about? ... this is always how I've ended up drawing connectors for years in Visio,

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