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academic research tool Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I thought this might be of interest, an academic research tool made for Firefox:

Something to think about!
Any chance that this ever might be compatible with webkit browsers? It's a fantastic tool!
Originally Posted by
Any chance that this ever might be compatible with webkit browsers? It's a fantastic tool!
Oh, my guess is zero chance, but it seems to be of little utility. It exports to only three other citation formats. So, if you use Endnote like 90% of us, it is not of much use.

Now, if Omnigroup can make an Automator/Applescript action that will do the same thing but import the results into Omnigraffle so that one could organize one's thoughts, that would be super.

But, yes, Zotero is very net.

Originally Posted by philonous
Oh, my guess is zero chance, but it seems to be of little utility. It exports to only three other citation formats. So, if you use Endnote like 90% of us, it is not of much use.

Now, if Omnigroup can make an Automator/Applescript action that will do the same thing but import the results into Omnigraffle so that one could organize one's thoughts, that would be super.

But, yes, Zotero is very net.

Perhaps I'm too easily enamored by things related to bibliographic research. Since I'm using Bookends and it won't import into that, you're right about it being of little utility save for keeping a record of online searches.

Your comment got me thinking about DevonThink Pro, however. There is a script to import selections into that program. It's a great application to organize one's thoughts and future versions may have mind maps if you're into visually organizing that way. The concordance feature and "see also" features are great for handling huge amounts of data.
Just FYI, it can export to RIS format, which can be imported by Bookends. I don't use Endnote but I would guess it could import it as well.

Also, I've noticed that a lot of citations for newspapers and other sources get jumbled and the info put into the wrong fields when you get them into Bookends so that it doesn't end up saving much effort. So unfortunately it's not the panacea I was hoping for.

Last edited by FredH; 2007-01-09 at 06:51 AM..
Thanks Fred. Too bad about the limited export capabilities. It's still nice to be able to keep notes when browsing. I should try using Zotero more to discover its strengths and shortcomings.
Originally Posted by
Your comment got me thinking about DevonThink Pro, however. There is a script to import selections into that program. It's a great application to organize one's thoughts and future versions may have mind maps if you're into visually organizing that way. The concordance feature and "see also" features are great for handling huge amounts of data.
I'm just learning to organize my thoughts, period. :) And, I'm finding Omnioutliner to be very useful. In fact, OO is quite good when it comes to including web pages, images, voice, etc., in the outline. So, I will probably try to exhaust it before I "graduate" to Devon Think Pro. (Someone has made a mind map stencil for Omnigraffle, FWIW.)

Originally Posted by philonous
I'm just learning to organize my thoughts, period. :) And, I'm finding Omnioutliner to be very useful. In fact, OO is quite good when it comes to including web pages, images, voice, etc., in the outline. So, I will probably try to exhaust it before I "graduate" to Devon Think Pro. (Someone has made a mind map stencil for Omnigraffle, FWIW.)

I concur with you; OO is great for taking notes. I love it, OG, and OW. For DevonThink Pro, I don't do outlining but throw in articles or clippings off the web (easy to do via Services). Then it starts organizing content "intelligently." Their claims to AI are rather exaggerated. But I like not having to look through multiple files for related content. It's "smart" without having to set up parameters.

Notemind is a new application that has some potential, including notemind for local content and web content.

I'll have to find that stencil for OmniGraffle. Thanks for pointing it out.

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