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Hey there,

i'm facing some problems with the keyboard shortcuts of omnigraffle. For creating a new child the shortcut apple + } is assigned.
I'm working on a german keyboard layout and } is assigned to alt + 9.
I tried pressing apple+alt+9 but it doesn't work.
What I'm supposed to press? Any ideas?

Regards and thanks in advance

I've got the same problem.

As chris04 already said the closing brace is assigned to Alt + 9 on a German keyboard which means I would have to press Alt + Command + 9 for adding a child (Edit -> Outlining -> Add Child).

Unfortunately Alt + Command + 9 is already assigned to Format -> Text -> Align Bottom.

By the way this is not the only shortcut which is assigned twice in non-English keyboard layouts.
Is there anybody out there? :confused: :rolleyes:
Use the System Preferences>Keyboard & Mouse>Keyboard Shortcuts to reassign the shortcut to something easier to use on a German Keyboard.

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