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OO3 move command corrupts data Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
In my search for a better ToDo list I decided that I would like to add a date stamp to completed actions. My todo list has two main sections : Open and Closed.

The Open section is subdivided into tasks and these containers hold the actual actions. The closed section is subdivided into months and closed or completed actions are stored in the month container they were completed.

To use I enter any new actions and set their priority and start dates next I add a check mark against any completed actions and then run my "move" script.

The move script sets the text style of each action according to the priority and start dates, it then appends the completion date to the text of each completed entry as well as adding it to a cell in a date column. Next it moves the completed entries to the correct month folder inside the closed section.

Before I made the append date modification my script worked o.k. but once added the move command completes the move but shifts the date stamp to the wrong action in the open section whenever the initial action is not the first in the list, I guess that some internal pointers are getting confused.

I have attached the text of my script and an oo3 file in an zip archive (I hope!).

Any thoughts?

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In an an attempt to develop a work around to the problem listed above it seems that even if the move command works correctly it leaves any references messed up.

I decided to do the date stamping after the move as this was all working script. If I used the references that had been set before the move the date stamp was added to the wrong action in the first open section. I had to resort to the following line :
repeat with oneRow in (every row of last child of second child of original whose state is checked and has subtopics of it is false)

which seems to be working.
I submitted a bug report to Omni and their reply is along the lines of : " I don't know anything about applescript..... have you tried the forum?"

I was expecting something along the lines of "yes we know about problems with the Move command in OO3, we can/can't fix them but have you tried xxxxxxx? The move command will work in the next update of outliner."

Am I expecting to much?
I have just received a second reply to my original question. It seems that row sorting is conflicting with the move command. I need to make some changes to my script and conduct some tests. The text of the reply from omni is quoted below and it has restored my faith in Omni - phew!


Thanks for getting back to me! I apologize for my previous brief response—I thought maybe you could get a faster response from folks in the forums who are very adept with AppleScript rather than having you wait while I went through the process of dissecting your script and getting up to speed with AppleScript all at once.

Upon closer inspection of the file you provided along with the AppleScript, the trouble you are running into appears to be a conflict between the script and the sort settings on particular columns. If sort is disabled on the 'Completed' field, for instance, the script behaves as you intend.

The issue was discovered by triggering the script and then stepping through the undo stack, at which point the trouble relating to sort surfaced.

I hope that helps! Please be in touch if you run into any other trouble or have questions or concerns down the road. Thanks again for your continued support!


Steve S.
Support Human
The Omni Group

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