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OmniGraffle Scripting Reference Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Where can I find a scripting reference for OmniGraffle 6?

I am writing my first script, in which I want to:
  1. Open all files in a directory.
  2. Perform a simple vertical flip
  3. Reduce the size (mainting the ratio)
  4. Copy
  5. Paste into a different document

I'm sure most of these, if not all of them, are possible - but I can't find any reference on how to start.

Can someone please point me to a guide on how to communicate with OmniGraffle through AppleScript?
I've learned a substrantial amount in the last several hours, including figuring out how to import the OG library into the AppleScript editor.

The only thing I have left to figure out is:

How can I resize a `graphic` object while maintaining the aspect ratio?

I `duplicate` an object and set the size, but I can't figure out how to get the `size` of the `graphic` to begin with, so I can't scale it.

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