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Option to disable double clicking on a bookmarks folder opening all contents Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Does the option exist to disable the functionality whereby double clicking on a folder in the bookmarks bar ('Favourites') opens every bookmark within that folder?

Although I certainly see its usefulness, I am finding myself opening hundreds of pages at a time by accident every day. As a result, I either have to kill my WiFi (to preserve bandwidth) and/or force quit OmniWeb.

I realise this is 'user error.' That said, on a laptop it is surprisingly easy to trigger this functionality by accident. Additionally, as the option to Command + Click exists to perform the same task no functionality would be lost entirely. It is additionally easy to trigger this functionality by accident when opening a folder does not respond immediately, causing me to click again without thinking.

Thanks for listening. I have searched and found no obvious solution, but hope to be proven wrong.
I agree.

I don't ever want OW to open every bookmark in a folder. The only time it happens is occasionally by accident -- though it is not always avoidable. Sometimes OW is a bit slow to respond after it has sat in the background of other programs for awhile, and I am not sure whether my first mouse click didn't register, or if it is just taking awhile to respond to it ... then I click again and things go from bad to worse as 15 new tabs are created at the same time and I have to smack my head in frustration as my hard drive grinds and my computer becomes unusable for 5 minutes.

Can we at least have an advanced option that can be toggled via "defaults write" to stop this annoying behavior?

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