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Old Omni products? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hey, forgive me if I have the wrong company, but I remember there used to be this Quartz-enabled drawing program that I thought was made by The Omni Group. I don't remember the name, it was developed shortly after the launch of the original OS X. Had basic line and bezier tools, primarily vector-style approach, but it was a fun little program. If you guys have no idea what I am talking about, don't mind me, I probably just remembered the product wrong, but I thought it was made by the same people who made OmniWeb, and I thought it had Omni in the title.
Originally Posted by drakfyre View Post
Hey, forgive me if I have the wrong company, but I remember there used to be this Quartz-enabled drawing program that I thought was made by The Omni Group. I don't remember the name, it was developed shortly after the launch of the original OS X. Had basic line and bezier tools, primarily vector-style approach, but it was a fun little program. If you guys have no idea what I am talking about, don't mind me, I probably just remembered the product wrong, but I thought it was made by the same people who made OmniWeb, and I thought it had Omni in the title.

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