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OmniPlan upgrade pricing? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hey guys,

Bout to pull the trigger on an OmniPlan purchase, but wanted to inquire about 2.0 and upgrade pricing. Assuming that 2.0 is coming (and soon?) what will the upgrade price be? Should I wait (don't want to, but am willing to if it's gonna save me some $$ and sanity)?

I have multiple projects that I need to balance and after looking at SEVERAL options, I felt that sticking with the Omni Group was the right choice (long-time OF and OO user). A big deal breaker for me was the inability to manage MULTIPLE projects, however, since I hear that this is coming to 2.0, my interest is peaked!

Finally, I use OF for Mac and iPhone, and intend on using OP for Mac and iPad... So I anxiously awaiting the iPad for OP too!

Best Regards
Ken's description of Omni's upgrade price policy can be found here:

Assuming they follow that policy, and the base price of OmniPlan remains the same, you are looking at a ballpark figure of $50-$60 for the upgrade.

If you're using OmniPlan as a professional tool, and if it currently has the ability to create any value for you at all, it seems like buying now and upgrading later is the rational choice. Ken mentioned on the blog recently that OmniPlan 2 is approaching the start of private beta testing; given that it is a major product revision, my guess is that it would be another Christmas miracle if you could actually buy it then :-) Don't you expect to be able to recover $20 a month by virtue of using the tool?
Thanks for the info.
I can indeed see the cost to benefit over time components; however, I'm also concerned about the integration of current versions to 2.0.

For example; I plan on building several projects, if I use the current version these will be stored as separate files. If I then upgrade, will these files be easily imported into 1 DB or will I need to take the time and build all my files again? Judging by my past experiences with Omni, I would think the former, so I'm expecting the upgrade to be mostly painless.

That being said, I'm in too much of a need at the moment for a organizational tool to help with the multitude of events going on. At present, I've tried to use OO as an alternative (without gantt charts it seems limited [I'm more of a visual time-line person]), and have been searching other options, but none seem to hit the mark or have the breath of quality as Omni.

Further, I really want integration with ALL my organizational tools, so that is another plus for Omni (that is if OF, OO, and OP become more interconnected as planned).

So, my envisioned workflow would be as follows:

OF, OO, and OP on my mac's
OF on iPhone - immediate access on the go for all my action items.
OO on iPad - access when on the go for brain dumps and future plans
OP on iPad - access when on the go for actual Plans and Projects currently in progress.

The iPad integration has become such an issue lately, and I see it for times when I'm out and have time to formulate ideas and check on progress. I don't feel the iPhone is appropriate for this due to size issues, and since getting the iPad, I have been leaving my Macbook at home/office more and more.

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