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Location based (or geofenced) syncing? [A: open feature request.] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

Are there any plans to add a location based sync (i.e. Instapaper)? I have been caught a few times adding an action to my desktop, then leaving without syncing my phone! Would be great to have it auto sync when leaving the office or home.

Did you go somewhere without data connectivity for your iPhone? If not, the sync you ought to do when you start using a different device (in this case, the iPhone) should have caught you up to date. Doing this also helps keep your sync times down in addition to the more obvious benefit of always ensuring you have the latest data.
We do have a feature request open on this approach. Attaching you to that request, egorges. Thanks!
I'm not sure how many people use Marco Arment's Instapaper app, but it has a great feature called Geofence Syncing. Once you set up a location (for example "home") it triggers the app to download new content in the background when you leave or arrive at one of your tagged locations. I mentioned this to the support ninjas as a feature request and they had indicated that a few people have also requested this. I searched the forums but didn't find any threads mentioning this feature, so i thought I'd make people aware of this request. If you'd like to see this feature, please let the ninja's know!


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