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copy/paste text margins ? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is there a way to copy ruler settings (margins, tab stops, etc.) for a text element, and then paste them onto other text elements?

This is usual feature of most Mac apps that deal with text, but I can't seem to find it in OmniGraffle.


StyleBrush. Hold down option key while using tool to go over object to copy styles and then go to object and click on it to paste. You will see a blue outline appear when mousing over objects. If you don't want to copy all of the object's styles uncheck them in the tools' menu which you can access by clicking and holding down the mouse button on the tool icon in the toolbar.

Originally Posted by ahdavidson View Post
Is there a way to copy ruler settings (margins, tab stops, etc.) for a text element, and then paste them onto other text elements?

This is usual feature of most Mac apps that deal with text, but I can't seem to find it in OmniGraffle.


Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for tabs and margins in text, but only the font characteristics.

Here was a nice reply from Omni support about it:

Sorry, there's no easy means to do this in OmniGraffle. I’ve added your comments to # 15379 in our feature request tracker (Feature: Copy/Paste Ruler (or some method of managing Tab stops & margins)) Thanks for taking the time to suggest this.

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